Monday, November 1, 2010

Teaching Philosophy

            A teacher or we can say as an educator, play an important role in teaching the younger generation. Because of this, I may take the chance to become a teacher as my career in the future, will have to have my own teaching philosophy. From the word TEACHER, I have made my own teaching philosophy that is “Teaching with enthusiastic and change the learning environment”.
           Enthusiastic, which means intensely or have a strong interest in education has represent what is contain in me. This is the main factor that makes me decide to involve in the industry of education. I have a great interest in teaching students and I feel satisfied and happy when I see them become happier in attending my class. Other than that, teaching with enthusiastic is the most important element in a teacher. If the teacher did not have enthusiastic in his or her job, he or she will not be concentrate and put much effort in it.
            Further more, the learning environment is also the things that we need to care about. Learning environment might affect much in teaching and learning process. Learning environment means the place where student get their class and teaching and learning process can be found. In a good learning environment, teaching and learning process should be carrying out between teacher and students or know as two ways communication. The communication occur in the classroom will increase student’s interest in learning also.
            I hope my teaching philosophy will help me success in my career in the future. I would like to be a good teacher as well as good educator.