Monday, September 20, 2010

Book Review - Screamfree Parenting

Screamfree Parenting

This is the book that I had read last month which entitle "Screamfree Parenting". It is about the skills that parent should have to have better child. As a parent or even be a sister or brother, we usually choose to scream to our children or siblings when we found that they didn't obey what we said. We thought after we scream they will obey what we ask them to do either willingly or not. But, we are totally wrong. The screaming method can only use for temporary control.

After I read this book, I found that if we want our sibling or children become better, we need to change. Screamfree parenting is about how we control our emotion. When we have conflict with our children, we lose to control our emotion as we choose to scream or shout to them. Just imagine this situation: when you choose to take your lunch at the restoran you like, but at the same time your childen doesn't want to eat at that place. He or she start to scream, shout and even throw away what he can get on the table. At this time, I am sure that 90% of parent will choose to shout or even beat them. Actually, this will destroyed the relationship between parent and children.

This book is not only for parent, but for us too. We as future teacher should know more about these kind of skills to avoid using wrong method to teach our student. It is really a guide book for you to learn. Borrow from me if you have interest to read it. ^^

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