Friday, September 3, 2010

Online forum about Smart School PBL

Smart School Project is one of the huge efforts invested by Ministry of Education to create a learning institution that has been systemically reinvented in terms of teaching-learning practices and school management in order to prepare children for the information age which define in conceptual blueprint on 1997.

Teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) is one of the educational issues in Malaysia that make use of ICT application in education. During the PPSMI period, secondary student get more benefit compare with primary student. It is because of they already have the basic of English while primary student not. Student will face more vocabulary when they have their teaching and learning process conduct in English for Science and Mathematics. We can’t deny that, by increase the chances to expose student toward English can let them learn more about it. They will have the ability to face more challenges in their life and in the global especially globalization. Unfortunately, some of the student who is not performing well in their school life will be tagged as stupid or bad student by school teacher. They have the higher chance to be ignored also. The condition of clever student become better and stupid student become worse had existed. Although this PPSMI has been remove from primary and secondary education syllabus, but the concept which makes use of ICT in teaching and learning can still used as a teaching tool.

Variety challenges have been meet by teachers in conducting lesson in smart school. To create a more affective e-learning environment, teachers shouldn’t using old teaching method. Students nowadays are bored with that kind of learning method. Effective materials such as smart board and Educational TV (ETV) are used. Many hardware and courseware also prepared by government to attract more attention from students during teaching and learning. New courseware which is web-enabled allows students to revise themselves.

Other than that, teachers play an important role because they are the core pillar of the nation’s education system and act as catalyst to grading ICT in teaching and learning in school. All of the teachers should undergoing rigorous training course to retrain five skills which are learning skills, creative and critical thinking, facilitating, assessment and evaluation and technologically competent.

Limited coverage of internet connection especially in schools in rural area should be concern about and introduce SchoolNet project. Increase the percentage of internet connection in school means that we increase also chance for student to connect with global.

Furthermore, increase the awareness of society about smart school is a must. Exposure of information towards society should have been done. Government should have Smart School Promotional Programme to introduce to society about smart school and the equipment using during teaching and learning process. From this way society can know more and familiar with smart school and feel more confidence to let his or her child to study in smart school.

(482 words)

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