Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poem by Chung Yee Chong- Ways of Love

you came
like the rain
without warning
then you are the sun
burns me
consumes me
and i to marry your warmth
almost like a shadow?

i stood
a woman ........apart
but you never walked
and i am still

you could have made
a most royal subject
worn your armour
and charged your steed
you could have swept me
off my feet-
you wore your heart
on a sleeve
and asked for love
i could not give

so i left you
a broken king
wounded your pride
when i could not queen

between us
there are bridges of words
your eyes could never burn-

it isn't through
a lack of desire
to set up what is a fire
but where lips touch
and hands meet
can never hope to reach

the loneliness beneath
the loneliness beneath

touch is not all-
feeling at home with it
i've grown numb
to its call

what hammers out
this perverse passion kill will

you in entirely
is love
is what it's all about

Read more : Analysis of this poem

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