Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Learning Journey

        I am a second year student who is now study in Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) which located in Tanjung Malim. I am taking degree of education in Biology course. This was my second choice when I applied for my degree study in 2009. You must be wondering why I choose this as my degree study. Become a teacher was my once of ambition when I was in Primary school. I felt that the profession of teacher is a noble work. My parent always told me to respect my teacher even though I dislike that particular teacher. This has built an enthusiasm in myself and led me to where I am now.

        In my primary and secondary education, I was just a normal and ordinary student. I have not much different with other student in the same class with me. I am not outstanding too. Maybe I was affected by the environment, so I didn’t plan to keep study after my Form 5. After I get my SPM result, my mother was very happy as my result was quite good. She advised me to continue my study in Form 6 and I promise that I will consider and think about it. Soon, I was involved in national service a week after getting SPM result. With my newly meet friends, we always discuss and share opinion about our future as all of us were about the same age. We were still blur about our future. Unfortunately, there was one thing happened to force me to make my decision. My mother told me that I get an offer letter from matriculation for Accounting. My father wanted me to grab this opportunity to study in matriculation because it cost me only one year before I can enter local university. Mean while, my mother support his idea but she let me to make my own decision. My former teacher also get the news about I get an offered from matriculation. She called me often and asked me to think twice because there were not much Chinese get the chance to entered matriculation. I was struggled whether Form 6 or matriculation should I choose. I seek advises from my friends in national service and also from parent. I had made my decision in few days time but I met another problem after that. My mother told me that I didn’t get my offer letter for Form 6 as I had already received letter from matriculation. The only way out is leave the national service earlier because of my study and try to get the letter from district education office. After much effort from my parent, I was able to get my letter to Form 6 a day before schools start.

        Form 6 studies have cost me about one and half years to finish it. I think the environment has change my though about my future. I mix around with my classmates and we were having the same ambition which is enter university. I started to think about how university’s life looks like during the second year of Form 6. Coincidently, my upper six form teacher, Mr. Beh Wei Loon was former student who just graduate from UPSI. He teaches us biology by using IT-based materials. He always showed us some attracting animation and videos accompany with his power point presentation during the lessons. He also shared with us about his life in university and that attract me a lot. I have good interaction with him and gain this opportunity to ask him more about the details of his university life. I also discussing with my friends and we try to work hard and aim to achieve higher pointer or better result in STPM. We try to do this because we want to increase the chance to enter local university.

        After I finish STPM exam, I think this is the time for me to have a deep though and make my decision. I was looking for some part time job while waiting for my STPM result. Various jobs have come across my mind and I was thinking which to choose. Finally, I feel that I am more interest to apply as a tuition teacher. After I went through the interview and training, I came to my first day of work. Honestly, I was scared that I might give wrong information to those innocent students. But luckily, everything went through nicely and I also mixed well with my students. As I teach them, I felt that I would like to carry on involving in this field. In the same working place, I met a new colleague which was also apply for the same university as I. She really helped me a lot during MedSI test and interview for enter university. At the end of May, both of us get offer from UPSI but she get her first choice, while I get my second choice. I was struggled that time because I was hoping that I might have the chance to get offer for Education in Mathematics. But since I have the chance to enter university, and it offered education in Biology which is also course that I interest with, I have chose to accept it. This is why I am at here today. 

        I am glad to study at here and have the chance to get to know more friends. I think that environment really give effects on a person on his or her though about future. As I have studied at here about two year’s time, it has change my opinion about profession to become a teacher. It is not just a career or a job; it is some sort of teaching and learning process between students and teacher which may motivate us to learn more in our life. I might continue study to master level if I manage and my financial status allow me to do so. Thanks for everyone who has helped me in my learning journey. The supports you give will let me grow stronger and more confidence to face my future.

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